
These settings are shown only if Email2sms is enabled for your user by your Company Administrator.

Field Name Purpose

Email Signature Separator Regex

If you are sending long messages then you should consider reducing the risk that long messages sent via email will contain standard signature/footer text included by corporate email systems. The Signature separator setting allows you to define a custom string that will be stripped (along with all text after it) from the email when it is forwarded by SMS. By Default, the service uses accepted Internet standards to determine where an email signature is included, looking for '-- ' (dash dash space) unless another is defined in your Messenger Settings. More information available in the Email2SMS Documentation

Addresses and domains enabled for SMS via Email

If the User is allowed to send SMS via email then any addresses verified and assigned to this User are also listed on this page.

Request an additional Email2SMS address

Clicking this link opens a dialogue permitting you to fill out a request for an additional email address to be activated by your Administrator. Your Administrator will receive a request for this within their Action Items list and can approve it with a single click.