Email2SMS Security

Email2SMS Security allows Administrators to control the use of the Email2SMS functionality. Access is restricted based on the source of the email. ie:

Type Purpose


A Domain Name allows SMS messages to be sent from email addresses within the registered Domain. This is the most commonly requested type of licence and allows the Company Administrators to easily manage their users' access.

Each lower level domain must be registered separately. E.g. is NOT covered if only the domain is registered.

Email Address

An Email Address allows SMS messages to be sent from a single registered email address.

IP Address

An IP Address allows SMS messages to be sent from any email address that uses the mail server specified at the registered IP address. This type of license is not used much and is not recommended. You should be fully aware of IP and network routing issues and discuss your requirements with the service provider if you have any doubts.

Emails from a given source are then assigned to a Messenger user, which is in turn used as the sender of the forwarded SMS message.

Example: Allow all email users at the domain access to use Email2SMS. Messages are sent via a single Messenger user.

This is the most commonly requested type of licence.

  1. Login as an Administrator
  2. Visit the Email2SMS page under 'Company Settings' (click here)

  1. Click 'Create Email2SMS Security', and define:
    • 'Emails Sent From' as 'Domains'
    • 'Security Type' to match your preference

If you use Google for your email, you should choose 'By Google Mail'. If you use Office365 or for your email, you should choose 'By'. If you have your own mail server with a well defined IP address you could use "By IP Addresses", but we strongly recommend 'Via SPF', which we describe in more detail here.

  1. Click 'Create Domain', and enter the name of your domain. eg: Click 'Save'.

  1. Note the verification token provided. It will be something like 9e9e65dc2aeceb9bf16694b201961269.
  2. Within your Email Provider's Administration Interface create a TXT record containing the value shown when you clicked 'Save'. (More details below in 'How to verify a domain via DNS').

Now that we have defined the email domain, and proved that we control it, select the new domain and choose the 'Allocate to User' menu option, and select the Messenger user that emails from the domain will be sent via.

Example: Allow specific email addresses to use Email2SMS

  1. Configure 'Emails Sent From' to 'Email Addresses'
  2. Set the 'Security Type' appropriately for the email system sending the message. We strongly recommend 'Via SPF'.
  3. Click 'Create Email' and select an email address to allow, and the Messenger user to be used for SMS delivery.

How to verify a domain via DNS

When allowing access via domain, once you have added a domain for use in sending you will need to verify it through a TXT record. This is done as follows:

  • Log in to your domain provider's administration interface.
  • Open the DNS settings page.
  • Locate the domain settings for the domain you entered (e.g.
  • Set the TXT records value to the value given when adding your domain
  • Optional: Change the TTL of your DNS record. This will allow updates to be propagated faster.

Why should I verify domain ownership?

Verifying control of the email domain is a way to ensure only your organisation can use your domain for email2sms.

To assist you, each time a new server (IP address) is used an email is sent to the Company Admin (only one email is sent per IP address). The address and the sender details are also logged and displayed in the Log section of the security page.

If you have any questions about IP addresses, mail servers or how to prevent email 'spoofing' and other fraudulent activities, contact your IT helpdesk.

The Forwarding User

When configuring Email2SMS Security, whether at the Domain level, or at the individual email address level, you need to ensure that at least one Messenger login is assigned as the ‘Forwarding User’. This user is used to send the SMS message on behalf of the email user.

You can have multiple email addresses configured, and all of them can share the same ‘Forwarding User’.

Importing Emails

Using the import function allows you to export a list of email addresses from your existing systems and import them straight into Messenger for use for sending SMS via Email. There's a handy preview screen which allows you to view the emails you are importing to use for Email2SMS, then you can correct any issues you may have before attempting the import.

Sending a notification is an easy way to let all users know that their emails have been authorized for sending SMS via Email, with all email addresses being active and ready to instantly.

Imports should be done using a CSV in the following format
