Receiving Outgoing Messages via Polling
You may obtain information about Messages and Statuses via our Polling API.
Use secure HTTPS GET to receive messages via
Simple API Example
Here’s a simple GET example:
Don’t forget to use your login and password
All messages appear in this api. Each call to this API returns a list of messages sent since last polling date and then last polling date is updated with the latest polling date.
There are just two URL encoded parameters for polling messages:
Name | Description | Required? |
userId |
User name for authentication (same as used for logging into the website). User name and password may be passed as form encoded parameters, or in the HTTP Authorization header in Basic format. |
password |
Your account password |
Messenger will respond to each and every HTTP request with one of the following result codes:
Code | Meaning | Action Required |
200 |
OK (normal result) |
Parse the results for the outgoing message details as described below. |
401 |
Unauthorized |
Check |
500 |
Internal Error |
Contact Bulletin |
For 200 codes (success) Messenger will include JSON response containing some or all of message information as described below.
Note: The order of the parameters may change so use value/pair matching rather than location mapping.
List Item | Description | Notes |
messageId |
A unique identifier for the message |
Messenger Unique ID. Check this ID to ensure you have not already processed this outgoing message. |
body |
Message Content |
The user's message |
recipientCount |
Number of recipients |
recipients |
Recipients |
A string containing a summary of the recipients, for example: Bob, Mary + 7 others |
messageDate |
The Date that the message is received |
Formatted as ISO-8601 in the UTC Timezone, for example: 2017-05-16T01:23:04.417Z |
statusCode |
A summarised delivery status of the message. For an accurate status consult the 'recipientsList.statusCode' |
See Message Status Codes for simple descriptions of Codes used. |
deleted |
Flag to identify if deleted |
Indication flag whether the message is deleted or not |
recipientsList |
List of recipients |
recipientsList.from |
Source address |
The sender of the message in International format. | |
Destination address |
The address the message was sent to. Applies to MT messages messages only, not to reply messages. | |
Recipient name |
The name of the person who receives the message |
recipientsList.statusCode |
The delivery status of the message |
See Message Status Codes for simple descriptions of Codes used. | |
Channel |
The method used to deliver the message, i.e. Sms |
Example GET Request
Substitute your correct Messenger Credentials in this example and if you have any outgoing messages available then you will download a list of them if you access the URL in a browser.